But more important than your vote, more important than the parties, more important than who'll be the next chairman of the county council, is for what do you vote? To support democracy?
What party you cast your vote to most often reflects what's important to you. What kind of attitude you have. Your attitude and what kind of matters you care about is important all the time, not only every second year when you're one of the Electorate.
As Norwegian citizens we have the privilege to cast a vote. To affect the result of the election. But as Christians we might, and should, take a greater part in the election. Influence in another and greater way. This counts more than a vote! More than hundreds and thousands of votes. Maybe more than a million. We might pray. And Jesus promised us that we could ask Dad about anything - ANYTHING! - and get it, if it was according to his will. A greater privilege! Paul also asked us to pray for all people, and in particular people in high positions. Why? Because God wants the best for the Norwegian people, both young and old. He's in the position to influence even those you didn't want as the chairman of the county council. He's in the position to influence their stand in matters you care about. Or more important; matters he cares about!
So here's the challenge: Pray! Even for the politicians you don't like. Even for the parties you totally disagree with.
And please cast your vote. Reflect on what's important. Not only for you, but for God. Ask him what party you should support.
Your vote is important! Lower taxes or human value?