Friday, June 22, 2007

I've got my first car...!

It's not much to talk about, but as a humourous gift a friend gave me a blue Ford Majorette for my 18th birthday! (My birtday is not before next month though..) It looks almost the same as this Ford Majorette I found at Google, but my model is not as modern as this. But it has a roof hatch, red interior, and is quite cute! :) It's 6 cm long and I think the weight is about 20 grams... I don't think I'm able to drive it properly - yet. Before the school semester starts again, I hope to have the driver's license. Until then, I have my Ford Majorette...

Sunday, June 10, 2007

I like big bibles...

This one is nice! Listen to the text, it is actually quite good! :)