Friday, June 22, 2007

I've got my first car...!

It's not much to talk about, but as a humourous gift a friend gave me a blue Ford Majorette for my 18th birthday! (My birtday is not before next month though..) It looks almost the same as this Ford Majorette I found at Google, but my model is not as modern as this. But it has a roof hatch, red interior, and is quite cute! :) It's 6 cm long and I think the weight is about 20 grams... I don't think I'm able to drive it properly - yet. Before the school semester starts again, I hope to have the driver's license. Until then, I have my Ford Majorette...


Anonymous said...

You know, a kindly girl you are Silje, I'm THINKING that someone one magnificent DAY (DAG:) driving A CAR with major character up your great country courtyard..and he is stopping the car, goes out of it and come walking towards you, give you a HUGE HUG and the car keys and saying; "this car is all your!"

Have a nice DAY!!!ü

I enjoy the color of the car!

Geir Tore T. Hanssen

Anonymous said...

In few days (12 of July) you become 18 years old Silje! Isn't that awesome, great, wonderful, beautiful, magnificent & everything at the same time..?! Ofcause it is, stupid question of me, but I ask you anyway!Ü
I meet you first time some days before you were 12 and now you are already soon eighteen! GOD IS GOOD!!!

Ei søngande & spællande Silje,
beire ænn smaken av sjokoladepudding & kræm av vanilje!

Ho reise på mong ein vei,
allti nåkka godt å sei!

Eit liv i ein hærleg familie, tenker på den minste amfibie!


Anonymous said...


Dag'n overgår alle andre dager!üü

Silje Helene Kristin said...

Hehe, tusen takk, Geir Tore, for mange fine ord :) koselig m vers og greier! :) Jo, d e litt gøy og fint å bli/vær 18, trur kanskje æ vil merk meir t d etterkvert... Kan kom inn kor æ vil, signer ka æ vil sjøl, høgare lønninge... yes ;P d e fint! :) hadde en nydelig dag mandag :) fint vær og greier :)

(men æ har ikkje bursdag 12. ;P 9. e dagen ;P)

Anonymous said...

Næh..har æ verkeli tatt feil dag..!jaja..Nu veit æ det tel neste år, æ "bomma" jo berre med 3 daga!

Kanskje mamma'n din hadde termin den 12..?Ü