I sat and ate pancakes, and suddenly the silence broke by this BUMP!
Ouch, I thought. That was probably a bird hitting the window.
Unfortunately, I was right.
I didn't see the bird at once, but from the last window I tried, it was. In spite of the crash, which was too noisy to not have made a bad headache for the bird, it still stood on its feet and looked at me as I sat behind its transparent obstacle. Too dizzy to fly, I guess, it slowly lowered its head and placed it on the ground, still upheld by the beak. You could see every heartbeat as the little body was moved back and forth by the blood pressure. My heart sank; maybe this wouldn't be as good as I'd first been hoping. Next time I looked, it couldn't use the beak for support anymore, but had placed it upside-down, eyes closed. I think that was when I started to pray. Not big prayers, but I really felt pity for the little bird, and as my bible says that not even a sparrow is falling to the ground without God knowing and caring about it, I knew I was addressing the right person. Honestly, I didn't think the bird would be fine again - it looked like it would fall over at any minute - so I asked God if he could either let the bird die quickly so it was released from the pain, or let it get better quickly so it could fly away.
Not long after, the bird raised its head and took a few steps, so I went to get it some bread and water. Maybe the story would end happily after all? It didn't fly when I served the dinner, but I was starting to get a good feeling. After I'd eaten the rest of my dinner, I went to see how it was.
It had flown.
For those interested in birds, I think it was a Locustella Naevia (Nor.: gresshoppesanger), like on the picture.