Some people have noticed that March (as well as April, May and June...) has passed without any new updates... and now we're in July and I still haven't written anything... Before now! But this whole post is just gonna tell you that I'm still not back to blogging modus. I simply don't have the inspiration at the moment. Sometimes I just get this blogging "block," and I don't know when I'll overcome it.
I like blogging, but not just about whatever. I don't want people to waste their time on reading this blog if I don't have anything to say anyways. Then it's better to wait until I have something to say again, and hope you then might rediscover my blog.
(Until then, you're of course welcome to read the other stuff I've written here.. There should be about 115 posts here, and under "Labels" (to the left) you see some of the topics I've been writing about.)Some people might find it interesting, though, that I'm writing on a
blog for my church's youth group, but that's maybe not of "global" interest, as it's in Norwegian...