I started this year on a Christian New Year's festival. We were about 150 youth there, 180 at the most, we had fun, made new friends, listened to concerts, praised, prayed, and got some teaching from people who knows God. One of these "teachers" is a man who often see people get healed when he prays for them. He said that he has never before seen as many people get healed as in 2007. People are healed from back problems, cancer and even celiac disease! In several cases, people go to the doctor afterwards, and he can't find any cancer left! This happens in both Norway and other parts of the world, as in China, Phillippians and India.
I feel very challenged when I hear about what God does. This is not because of
what he does, but because of
who he operates through.
He operates through ordinary people, like you and me. Many times I have asked myself why God don't send some angels to the world to get people saved, to make people believe in Him. As I read the Bible, I see God had a better plan than that. He sent a more important person: his son. We know what Jesus did while he was here: Healed, cared, and preached the kingdom of God. But as we become Christians, we become a part of Jesus. Paul says we become "the body of Christ". So who's gonna heal, care and preach the kingdom of God now? It's still Jesus, but it's you, as a part of him.
I don't want anyone to pop up at street corners with flyers and a fake smile, preaching the gospel with such fastness nobody gets a word. I don't want anybody to feel guilty because of all the non-prayed prayers. I don't want anybody to be trapped in all the have-to-do's.
I feel it is very important that you who believes in God takes him serious. He is desperately looking for people who are willing to serve him. We live in a world where money flows and people don't think a lot about God. He still loves them! God wants to heal people. He wants to touch their hearts, be their father. There is no question: he is willing. But are we? Take his word, The Bible, seriously! Pray him to show you what his heart is beating for! Let this be a year to God's glory! Don't miss what he'll do. Let him be your life, not just your hobby.