BUT also a lot of nice talking to my school mates who I haven't seen since June! :D That was nice :)
Today: The school year's first lessons...
Spanish, Chemistry and Maths.
I had to concentrate more than usual during the Spanish lesson today, since I studied French this summer... (It's "Me llamo Silje," not "Je m'appelle Silje", and "ahora," not "maintenant"... hehe ;P)
We've got homework. Already. In all today's subjects. But not much. Luckily.
I have a new teacher in Maths this year! I'm very satisfied, because last year's teacher made me feel like Maths was boring (and I know it really isn't...). It seems like Maths is going to be more interesting this year...
We have got four new students in our class. One of the new girls is taking Maths, Physics and Chemistry, so probably we'll do some co-operating :)
At Friday we're going to make body lotion in Chemistry.