It hit me as a flash of lightening! ...or whatever! (I really don't like set phrases!!!)
I tasted the phrase, "born to be wild", and saw it was good!
Yeah, I know! I didn't create that phrase. It's actually very common.
But anyway - it made me think of God - again! And who I am in God.
Cool, I thought!
Here everybody's thinking that this wild-thing is kind of rude and stuff, strongly related to elements you find in Moulin Rouge. And then God pops up and makes a completely new intention with it!
As a Christian, I've made Jesus as my boss, and as an answer to that, he's given me something - something very valuable - actually a part of himself! His given me his Holy Spirit.
Okay... how does it work? Most of all, I know Jesus very well, simply because he, by the Holy Spirit, lives in me. This is no mystery. If you look in the Bible, this is exactly what it tells us. Maybe you're shaking your head, maybe laughing a bit, thinking; "She's crazy! That Jesus-stuff is deadly boring!" Well, I don't think so! You see, if God has created the basis for everything you hear and feel and see, it's pretty cool to know him! :D
Well, back to the point.
Filled with his nature, his Holy Spirit, there's no longer space to things that are reducing you. When there's no limitations, you'll go a bit wild... agree that! There's no damnation. Sin doesn't have the power over you anymore. If God's for me, who can then be against me? Jesus says "Follow me!" and you follow, though it might seem crazy.
"Hey you, is it really wild to follow somebody? Your point is fading, girl!"
Teamwork, dear friend. Teamwork. Nobody seems as wild as those playing american football, in my opinion. But they're having a coach. They're having a captain. They're teamworking. Same with me. God's my coach, shouting encouraging words from the touchline. Jesus is my captain, the head of the team. And I'm playing on team with the Holy Spirit, sending me passes which I can pass forward or kick into the goal. We're winning! :D (NOT Christians over non-Christians, but good powers over evil and dark powers. Look up the Ephesians 6.)
When you're not wild, you're tame, agree? Doing the same things, walking the same paths... I think Jesus wants us, Christians and non-Christians, to get out of those paths, the patterns we follow that makes other people able to forecast how we'll react in every time. Not in a bad way, but a good way. Not trying to make rebellion, saying "I'm not reacting the way you want me to!" Don't misunderstand! But don't let pattern as I'm-not-good-enough-to-do-this, or Why-should-I-smile,-she-never-smiles-to-me, or I-can-NOT-pray-for-her-'cause-she'll-think-I'm-crazy-and-tell-all-my-friends, or This-is-just-going-to-be-worse catch you!
Look at any wild anymal. It's born wild. It's happy wild. A bird is not supposed to live in a cage.
You're born to be free, happy, lucky, saved, safe and loved.
You're born to be God's child.
You're born to be wild.