The article turns on the Abortion Cytotec Drug, but the medicament is (still) not accepted by the producer for this purpose. There's often less compliactions after a medical abortion than after a surgical one. Their point is that out of 20 million women who live under unsatisfying conditions and choose abortion, 60 000 of them die (= 0,3 %). This number might decrease by using Cytotec.
Out of 20 million children that are taken away by abortion, 20 million of them die. (100 %) The number doesn't decrease by using Cytotec. (It doesn't decrease by surgical abortion either.)
And this is an abortion drug that saves lives?!?
Mother Theresa once said there will never be peace in the world before we stop killing children in mum's womb.
There's a life in mum's womb from the very first moment!
After few weeks, the heart starts beating. There's a life there; a person with value! God says in His word that He knows us before we're created in mum's womb...
Our world is unbelievably cynical.
(Want to see the face of abortion? Searchword: "abortion" at google. Warning: Strong pictures!)