Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Addicted to Ellos...

If you're male; I don't think this post is interesting for you...
It's not especially interesting anyway... ;)

Have you heard about Ellos?
It is a book-clothes-or-something-else-through-the-internet-or-the-post-shop...
I think it was a summerday about two years ago I recieved my first Ellos-catalogue. I sat back, looked through it and found a lot of cool clothes which I wanted to buy. They were quite cheap too, so I picked up the phone and ordered. A week later I recieved the clothes and nearly all of them fitted. But because of this nearly, I decided not to order anything from Ellos again. But everybody who likes buying clothes (and wear them) knows how difficult this is! Ellos always have sale and you often get things for free when you order...

So after that I ordered once again... and again... and again! Actually I liked one of the pair of jeans I bought so much, it ousted all its jeans-competitors of being my favourite pair. Later I bought another one...! A similar one...!
Well... anyway... I've noticed that I don't buy as much clothes as before! I buy more clothes at Ellos, yes, but not as often in ordinary stores. I wonder if this is because I buy clothes at Ellos (which I don't have to try on before buying them...), or if it's just because I'm tired of spending saturdays shopping....?!

In a few days I'll get some new clothes dropped in my post box... I hope they'll fit!

Monday, July 25, 2005

What is New Generation?

New Generation is a Christian pupil- and students' organization started by Stephan Christiansen, a man from the south (-east?) of Norway. New Generation have over 200 schoolgroups only in Norway. The organization's vision is to make the Christian gospel available in every school in Norway through these schoolgroups. The groups consist of pupils/students at the school. Most of the groups pray for their school - for example their teachers and classmates - every week. Often they arrange meetings or maybe a good-mood-arrangement for everybody at the school - to make Jesus known in the correct and not-manipulated way.

If you want to read more about New Generation, please click at one of the links to the right.

My dear Solveig

Yesterday I had to say goodbye to Solveig, a friend I've known for about five years. She's around 20, and she's been a great Inspiration (with a big "I"!) to me in the New Generation-work at school. She's very creative, she always sees the possibilities and she never gives up. Her heart is in the right place and she always wears a smile :)

This morning she started to drive to Stavanger where she's got work at the New Generation national office. I will probably not see her before September - if I go to nordic 05 - a big international New Generation festival which will take place in Scandinavium, Göteborg, Sweden.

It was very strange to see her empty flat yesterday. While everybody else at her age moved from Sortland, where I live, to study, she stayed, working as a school-evangelist.

Solveig - du e diggbar og du rula! Gleda mæ t å se dæ igjen!

~ Siljeklem ~

To Janne and Ragni.... :)

Now in summer I work every day, except at Sundays.
Yesterday it was, as known, a Sunday, and I was in a birthday-party to a friend of mine who became 19 years old. It was a sunny day and we played volleyball on a sandvolleyballpitch (?). We were not very clever, but we really had fun! I love being with friends!

This semester my birthday-friend will start on a Bible-school. It is in Bergen, a long way from here, so I'll miss her a lot! Another friend of mine will start at the same school. So this year I have to write a lot of postcards! ;)

Janne and Ragni: I'LL MISS YOU!!!

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Hey! I'm in cyberspace!

This is quite exciting - I've never tried blogging before....
I hope it'll be fun, though...

Firstly: I'm a Norwegian girl, age 16, who, first of all, knows that she's made by God, creator of Heaven and Earth. (Genesis 1:1)

I know He loves me (John. 3:16) and never leaves me (Matt. 28:20).
I want you to know the same God I know, 'cause He loves you too - Jesus actually died in your place - He took your sin which separated you from God the Father. Now you actually can become God's child by just thank Him for his goodness he has shown and ask Him to become your Lord!
More about this later, of course :)

Secondly: To create a blog and write it in English, instead of Norwegian, makes me better to express myself in English.

Smile, be happy and enjoy life - you too are made by God!