Monday, July 25, 2005

My dear Solveig

Yesterday I had to say goodbye to Solveig, a friend I've known for about five years. She's around 20, and she's been a great Inspiration (with a big "I"!) to me in the New Generation-work at school. She's very creative, she always sees the possibilities and she never gives up. Her heart is in the right place and she always wears a smile :)

This morning she started to drive to Stavanger where she's got work at the New Generation national office. I will probably not see her before September - if I go to nordic 05 - a big international New Generation festival which will take place in Scandinavium, Göteborg, Sweden.

It was very strange to see her empty flat yesterday. While everybody else at her age moved from Sortland, where I live, to study, she stayed, working as a school-evangelist.

Solveig - du e diggbar og du rula! Gleda mæ t å se dæ igjen!

~ Siljeklem ~

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