Life's good! I'm of age!

For my 18th birthday I got this dainty digitale camera from my parents, littlebrother and -sister, grandma, uncle & aunt & cousins. I got it today and it seems to meet the expectations.
I'll get of-age-pay for this month's three weeks of work...
I've got my first real Visa card (means not Visa Smartcard, not Electron)...
I'm having a driving lesson tomorrow...
A good friend of mine got married this Saturday. She was beautiful! And he was looking really good too! But when I was putting a piece of cake on my plate, I managed to tip it over, giving me seven more years before I "can" get married, which suits me perfectly as it's giving me plenty of time to think and evaluate possible suitors that should show up in my way... ;P
I've come to page 362 in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. (Much to do, less time to read...)
... and I smile! :)