A friend of mine is getting married in thirteen days, and I'm at the moment busy with making place cards. There are going to be 47 people for dinner, and after this evening's effort I have to make 15 more cards. I had decided to try and make most of the cards different from one and another, but after making 32 place cards that is a very difficult request to fulfil..!
I came to think of God who's made so many different birds... So many different fish... So many different tree species... So many different spiders... And in the end; so very, very, VERY many different human beings!!!
I can't understand he managed to do it unless I at the same time remind myself he's GOD!
..and so many different fruits, flowers, colors, dogs, clothes and words..Ü
De bordkortene ble bra!! kor lang ti tok det å lage de??
tusen takk! :) hm... brukte en del kvelder på de.. noen ganger hadde jeg vanskeligere for å lage de enn andre ganger. vil tro at jeg brukte ca 6-7 timer tilsammen.. :)
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