Saturday, February 11, 2006

Dear "T". I want to answer your comment!

Yesterday I received a comment on my previous post, Time is tickin' away..., and I really want to answer the questions in that comment as I know there are other people that wonder about the same things...

Yesterday "T" wrote:

"I'm not a beliver of god ore anything like that, but i guess we all belive in something, can't really see the difference between jesus and co, and allah ore some Buddah thing.Have you ever thought of if you would had been borned in another place then you might had belivied in buddah ore something? And for me as a Atheist i don't know if i should be glad ore sad to not be a beliver but i guess almost all of want good and i guess that is the meaning....."

First I would like to thank "T" for this comment because the thought that are introduced here really are of current interest.
"T" has discovered a very important thing: "..., but I guess we all believe in something,...". And your guess is right, T! We all believe in something, and for many people - like me - this something is God. Something inside us search for something more. This is a feeling I think God has given us. The Bible says that God has laid eternity in our hearts - something that searchs the eternal God, I think. (Ecclesiastes 3:11)

T says he "... can't really see the difference between jesus and co,...".
I would like to point at three main differences between Jesus and "co":
  1. Christians believe in Jesus - who died BUT rose again and in that way proved stronger than death (which the Bible describes as "the last enemy"). Muhammed died. Prince Buddha died. And they're still dead. (2. Timotheus 1:10)
  2. In other religions it's what you do that "saves" you. In Buddhism people do whatever good in reason to be something better the next life. They don't know if it'll work, or if they'll be reborn after dying, and no one has ever "returned" to tell if it works and no one can remember anything from "previous" lives... In both Jewism and Islam you have to follow the rules or you'll not come to Heaven.

    The Bible says we're all born as sinners and can't achieve fellowship with God - no matter how much good you've done, you'll never deserve Heaven. Anyway, God has made it possible - and easy - for us to have fellowship with Him and come to Heaven. Instead of us trying to "jump up to Heaven" - which is impossible even with a very big good-deeds-trampoline - he - God! - came down to us instead (through his Son Jesus Christ). Jesus paid for our sins through his death on the cross. This opened a new deal between God and human beings. Whoever believes in Jesus and confess His as Lord will be saved. Even if you've stolen something or killed somebody God will forgive you for what you've done because of Jesus. Everything is ready: you may enter God's present just as you are! (with Jesus as Lord.) (Read more: Romans 5:8, John 3:16, Romans 10:9-10, Romans 6:23, Hebrew 2:9)
  3. To be a Christian is about having a relationship with God. A friendship, actually, where you can talk to God (dialouge, not monolouge) and be His friend! You don't find that in the other religions. (Read more: John 15:13-15)

T asks me if I've ever thought of if I'd been born another place I might have believed in something else... Yes, I have thought that thought! I'm really glad I've grown up in the family I belong to, a Christian family. That has given me great opportunities to get to know Jesus. I'm very thankful for that. But I've made my own choice. Because I've seen that this is real. I've experienced God's power through His Holy Spirit who He's given to all who believes in Him. And He fills me with peace.

I know a man named Ruben who grew up (and still lives) in Bhutan - a very strict Buddhist land in the Himalaya Mountains. He grew up in a strict Buddhist family and practised the Buddhism himself. But he didn't feel any peace. He felt that something was missing. He started to search other things - other religions - but still felt this empty space on the inside. One day he went to a church. The pastor talked about when Jesus woke up a widow's dead son. Jesus was filled with compassion for the widow, told her to stop crying and then took the dead's hand and told him to wake up. (You find the story in Luke chapter 7, verses 12-17). Ruben had heard somthing like that before when he still was a Buddhist. Buddha also met a widow crying over her dead son, but said he couldn't help her. The poor widow was left alone. The story about what Jesus did, how he met poeple's needs, made Ruben give his life to Jesus.

Since then, he's never felt any emptyness inside.

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