Have a look at this extract:
You got a gift and you best start using it
Cause if you don't you're gonna wind up losing it
Just like the brother who buried it deep
The task was simple but the price was steep
We got a mission while we're on this earth
We need to tell people 'bout our second birth
Get busy like a school boy makin' an "A"
Cause time my brother is tickin' away
Time is tickin' away, tick tick tickin' away
Time is tickin' away, tick tick tickin' away
Time is tickin' away, tick tick tickin' away
Time is tickin' away, tick tick tickin' away
Right now is the time that we gotta get with it
The gift that He's given ain't just an exhibit
But a tool that He's given us to use for His sake
And just as He's given He can surely take
The signs of the times are dropping like flies
The cries of the people around us imply
They're lookin' for an answer that we already know
But time is definitely on the go
All the money in the world
Can never stop the hands of time
And a wasted day in your life
Is more than a crime
Time is tickin' away, tick tick tickin' away
(From the album "Free At Last", 1995)
This last week has gone really fast. I thought it had just been weekend, but I was wrong - the weekend is now, and five days has gone since last weekend! I've been quite busy this week... At Monday I didn't do much (okay, I did some homework, though...), but the rest of the week has been filled up with loads of things.
Tuesday... I lead a dancegroup for younger girls together with a woman called Marita. At Tuesday there were twelve girls, age 8-12 at the training... That can be quite challenging! But don't misunderstand me - it is fun!
Wednesday... I covered an event at my school for the local newspaper... Then I had my weekly pianolesson... Then I went to a comittee meeting for this year's Opp Kreativ Festival (=Up Creative Festival)... Then I went home again and finished wroting the newspaper article...
Thursday was quite peaceful... I went to 3pStation - the youth gathering in our church.
And now it's Friday... Again...!
It has not been a wasted week... But sometime I have to remind myself on what things which are most important. The lyric above said something about that... To show Jesus to the World is actually the most important thing to do. The best way to show Him is to try and live the way he lived while he wandered around here on Earth... He smiled... He cared... He loved... He spoke friendly to people... He spoke the truth... He healed... He explained God... He told them the Way to God... He was good.
He is good.
Glory to God!
Have a blessed weekend!
I'm not a beliver of god ore anything like that, but i guess we all belive in something, can't really see the difference between jesus and co, and allah ore some Buddah thing.Have you ever thought of if you would had been borned in another place then you might had belivied in buddah ore something? And for me as a Atheist i don't know if i should be glad ore said to not be a beliver but i guess almost all of want good and i guess that is the meaning.....
Kjære Silje!!
Kom tilfeldigvis over siden din, og er skikkelig imponert!! Du er bare en super jente som Gud virkelig har velsignet med mye godt!!
Keep up the good way og living!!
Klem Irene
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