We're going to take the train from Fauske (have to take the bus for 6-7 hours :-S) and then we're in Oslo tomorrow after 3 pm or something... There we'll meet my sister! :D And then we'll go shopping. And meet a lot of realatives; my grandmas, some uncles, aunts and cousins :) All our family live sown there. We're the only ones who live in the North of Norway...
On monday we're going to Bergen. On Wednesday: Ingrid & Johnny's wedding!!! (which is the reason we're travelling south this Easter). Oh, happy day! This is gonna be FUN!
Bye, bye!
C ya soon, blue balloon! ;)
lykke masse t på tur'n. kos dæ, slapp av, lad batterian og så e d på'n igjen om 2 uke...
løv u =)
Ja var utrolig morsomt å møte deij i Bergen! Opplevelse! HeHe! Håper vi snart smakkas altså! Stå på SiljeMor!*klemmer*
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