Friday, June 09, 2006

Finished, done, the end!

I don't have any school left this semester!
Unless I get an oral exam.
But that won't happen :)
(My teacher said the odds were inconceivable low...)

... and it's only the 9th of June!

1 comment:

Idalexa said...

you're right! and less than one month until your 17th birthday!

I just have to ask you: I got an email from Elisabeth Holm where she asked me if I knew if you and your little brother were going to the jesus2u summerteam to lakselv. I don't think so, but I'm not 100 per cent sure either. just tell me.

Our family are going to senja soon. We're leaving on friday, so if you want to get together some day, let me know.
