(Did I hear anybody say beauty sleep?)
Yesterday (or today...) I fell asleep about 1 am I think. (I don't have school these days, you see...) Usually I wake up by myself before time has passed 11 am, but not today :P
My littlebrother came into my room at half past noon! First then I woke up! I really can't understand how I manage to sleep almost twelve hours!
But here's the mystery:
Often, when I've slept for a very long time, I wake up with a headache.
That happened today too.
I had to swallow an Ibux to make it go away :(
Does anybody know why this happens?
Maybe it has to do with lack of oxygen, or anything else it's hard to get while you're asleep. You can send your question in to the magazine "Illustrert Vitenskap", and if they print it in the magazine, you'll get your answer!
I'm familiar with that. It also happens if I sleep longer than eleven hours, and then the whole day gets sleepy and tired..
When I sleep longer than ten or eleven hours, I wake up sore. My neck and back usually hurt. I don't usually get a headache, though. That's peculiar.
I have studied this and found out that REM sleeping (soft sleeping) often causes higher activity in the brain than when you are awake.
REM sleeping are often located at the end of the night until you awake. So when the period before awaking ekspand, the brain will have a longer period with higher activity, that MAY cause headache...
Sleeping research are`nt sure about all yet so the data are often thin..
see this for more info(in Norwegian):
the last link answers your question ..
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