On my 16th birthday, my mum took me to a shut down flight strip to drive a little bit. I was excited. It was fun! I even rounded 80 km/h! I thought I would drive a lot this year.
But I drove a few times more, and then it started to rain. It rained all the time all the autumn, and I actually didn't dare to or wanted to drive when it was raining, in fear of losing control on a slippery road while driving.
But now it's springtime! Soon summer. The roads are dry, the nights are light and Silje wants to drive! (And remember to ask her dad if she can drive a little bit...)
Monday night was a milestone for the driving practise history of mine...
For the first time I drove on the main road! Where the lorries are. Where you drive fast.
The experience was good! The road was much more wider, meaning you didn't need to worry if a car passed. Earlier I had only dared to drive on a little road in the neighbourhood - a road where the max speed is 60 km/h and where there are many houses and many playing children... (Luckily none of them have run out in the road while I've driven...)
I was proud when I came home.
Had to tell my mum.
I even managed to swing into the driving up!
Tonight I drove again! And things went even more well than on Monday. I even remembered to turn on the flashing when driving into the driving up! And I drove a longer distance. And I wasn't that nervous.
Driving is fun!
I have to tell some praises about my dad.
He guides me alle the time while I'm driving.
- First clutch, handbreak off, first gear, accelerate, carefully drive out in the road.
- Use the mirror.
- This is where you're supposed to place the car on the road.
- Clutch, gear, accelerate.
Without him, the roads would have been dagerous both for other people driving and for me myself. Of course. I'm under practise!
That reminds me of that I have another Father who are guiding me.
Through life. Through good times, bad times.
Gives me good times. Guides me to good times. Good choices. Victories.
That's my Father. And I want to praise Him. And tell praises about him. Like I do about my driving-practise-guiding-father.
A few thing to remember when driving practising:
Keep your eyes straight ahead;
ignore all sideshow distractions.
Watch your step,
and the road will strech out smooth before you.
Look neither right nor left;
leave evil in the dust.
(Proverbs 4: 25-27)
I think you became a god driver, even better tham your mother, he he.
But don`t drive to fast.
" The one who belives have no hurry." (Esaias 8,16) Have a good time, enjoy the road!
I think you became a god driver, even better tham your mother, he he.
But don`t drive to fast.
" The one who belives have no hurry." (Esaias 8,16) Have a good time, enjoy the road!
I remember when I started driving. The first time I ever drove anywhere by myself, I had a death grip on the steering wheel. :)
It sounds as if you're doing well. Keep it up!
A death grip is when you're holding onto something so tight that your knuckles are white. It's like you're holding on so tight that your life depends on it. It's the kind of grip you would have if you were dangling from a rope over a hundred-foot drop. You'd be holding on pretty tight. :)
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