This is the day when people...
dress up in national costumes, wave with flags, eat layer cake, soft ice, and go in processions.
This is the day when the royal family stand on the balcony and greet the children and the sixth formers.
This is the day when we sing our national anthem and many other nationalistic songs.

This is the day when you see everybody you know and don't know.
This is the day when the chairman of the county council speak to the people.
This is a celebration day.
This is a nice day.
This is a happy day.
This is the Norwegian day.
Happy Birthday, Norway!
Yes this is a very good day to say; Thank you for the good history that have brought Norway to the way the things are. We are free, Thank you Lord!
And thank you Silje for good words!
Love from me.
nice to spend time with you yesterday. had a great national day. lovely.
i have the uppertunity to travel to numedal in buskerud on weddnesday to sunday. i thing i'm gonna go. get a bit vacation before our exams. i need that=)
I missed 17 mai on Sortland a bit... But it was really fun to celebrate it here in Tromsø too! We stood on the balconies and waived to the "Borgertog" as kings and queens! It passes just by our house. We also had a band that played for the people waiting for the "Borgertog". Hihi!
*oh, Sortland, miss ya!*
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