Hello... I'm sorry I haven't written for a couple of months... I just haven't prioritated it... Been busy with lots of things. Yup. Think you know the feeling yourself. But this day is a day for doing things you have planned to do for a long time, but just haven't done! I wrote a letter today which I've been thinking of writing since the beginning of August. And now I update my blog! Wow! Incredible what a Christmas vacation can do!
Merry Christmas! :)
And remember; the founder of Christmas doesn't lie in a manger anymore ;)
A blog written to remind you that you're made in God's image; unique, valuable and irreplaceable.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Level up
As school started and went on, I experienced that my frustration was quite unfounded. I actually got quite satisfied with my teachers. I found my behaviour, though I didn't complain very much, quite spoilt. Because these few things didn't get my way, I didn't look forward to the semester. I lost my inspiration and motivation, but didn't even know who my teacher in Maths was or how the teacher in History would teach. Stupid of me, but a very everyday way to react and look at things in Norway, and I guess in other western countries too.
It's like our starting point is a perfect life, and that every little thing that goes "wrong" is cruelly spoiling our life, trying to pull it a level down. And we say "I don't think God likes me," and focus on every problem or challenge instead of counting the blessings. But then, if you rather look at our starting point as a down level life, and that every little thing that actually goes your way is trying to push you life a level up, you soon get in a better mood. You're looking for good things. You look at your day and see it's a good day because you got a text message from a friend who thought of you. The sun shone and somebody found your wrist watch which you had lost. The bus driver smiled to you even though you had to stop it on the road.
In the western world it is a challenge to see the blessings. We are surrounded by them, they're a part of our circumstances. Only when they're gone, we see how lucky and blessed we really are.
I got the teacher I wanted in Physics, in P.E. and in Norwegian. My teacher in Maths is inspiring, and so young! A 26 years old woman teaching Maths - that's so cool! My teacher in History is understanding and does not put anybody's name down if we're late for first class. The Chemistry teacher is calm and is not causing stress. I have a fantastic family, many friends, have been in Oslo three times within a period of six weeks, belong to a loving God who cares about the details in my friends' lives (and in my life). I have food and water and electricity, and lives in a land with democracy. I'm blessed. My life is constantly jumping a level up, but I have to remind myself about it.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Just for comparison
First picture showing Oslo Spektrum during a free concert the 18th of August featuring plenty of popular Norwegian pop idols, such as Kurt Nilsen, Alejandro Fuentes, Mira Craig, Tone Damli Aaberge, Espen Lind and Marion Ravn. Audience: about 4000 I guess.
Second and third picture showing Oslo Spektrum during a concert featuring Australian Hillsong United during Penecostal for all in Oslo two weeks ago. Audience: about 7000 I guess. The capacity of Oslo Spektrum is 8600 seated people (9700 if people stand). A ticket costed 200-250 NOK.

I think it's pretty cool that a Christian praise and worship band, though they're well known among Christians, gathers so many more people than all these Norwegian pop idols in one lot! I had a great time at both concerts, brought with me three cousins to the first one, but I really have to say the Hillsong United concert was the best. Best when it comes to both quality and contents. You should've been there too... ;)
Second and third picture showing Oslo Spektrum during a concert featuring Australian Hillsong United during Penecostal for all in Oslo two weeks ago. Audience: about 7000 I guess. The capacity of Oslo Spektrum is 8600 seated people (9700 if people stand). A ticket costed 200-250 NOK.

Sunday, September 02, 2007
Friday, August 24, 2007
Local election

But more important than your vote, more important than the parties, more important than who'll be the next chairman of the county council, is for what do you vote? To support democracy?
What party you cast your vote to most often reflects what's important to you. What kind of attitude you have. Your attitude and what kind of matters you care about is important all the time, not only every second year when you're one of the Electorate.
As Norwegian citizens we have the privilege to cast a vote. To affect the result of the election. But as Christians we might, and should, take a greater part in the election. Influence in another and greater way. This counts more than a vote! More than hundreds and thousands of votes. Maybe more than a million. We might pray. And Jesus promised us that we could ask Dad about anything - ANYTHING! - and get it, if it was according to his will. A greater privilege! Paul also asked us to pray for all people, and in particular people in high positions. Why? Because God wants the best for the Norwegian people, both young and old. He's in the position to influence even those you didn't want as the chairman of the county council. He's in the position to influence their stand in matters you care about. Or more important; matters he cares about!
So here's the challenge: Pray! Even for the politicians you don't like. Even for the parties you totally disagree with.
And please cast your vote. Reflect on what's important. Not only for you, but for God. Ask him what party you should support.
Your vote is important! Lower taxes or human value?
Monday, August 20, 2007
Sometimes I wonder if I'm unlucky. Not generally unlucky, but unlucky with a few things that some small parts of life is about. Technical stuff. Not to sing praises about myself, but I've always managed digital and technical stuff very well. The use of it. The computer I've known and mastered since I was about 9 years old. Mum always asks me if she has some problems when writing in Word. At school my friends always used to ask me for help when we worked with Excel in Economics. New software is no problem. Mp3-players, digital cameraes, cell phones, editing videos, making homepages... No problem!
... My first laptop crashed (not new).
... My second laptop crashed (completely new, and after 6 months...).
... and now my three weeks old 2 GB memory card for my digital camera, containing more than 300 photos, crashed. AND some of the photos was meant to be put in tomorrow's newspaper. Yeah, right! Rescuing the photos might cost me at least 600 NOK. Nice!
... My first laptop crashed (not new).
... My second laptop crashed (completely new, and after 6 months...).
... and now my three weeks old 2 GB memory card for my digital camera, containing more than 300 photos, crashed. AND some of the photos was meant to be put in tomorrow's newspaper. Yeah, right! Rescuing the photos might cost me at least 600 NOK. Nice!
Friday, August 10, 2007
Christian song lyrics!
I've finally found it: a good site, without too much advertisements, where you can find Christian song lyrics. They're all there: Third Day, Rebecca St. James, Hillsongs... And more!
But there are most big and very famous artists / bands there, not e.g. the Norwegian worship artist Rudi Myntevik... But you'll find most of his lyrics at his site.
Here's the link anyway: Christian lyrics
I'm grateful! :)
But there are most big and very famous artists / bands there, not e.g. the Norwegian worship artist Rudi Myntevik... But you'll find most of his lyrics at his site.
Here's the link anyway: Christian lyrics
I'm grateful! :)
You are loved!
I just want to share a chorus from Rebecca St. James' "You are loved" with you:
This is what I want to say to you
If I had one chance to speak to your heart
You are loved
More than you could ever know
This is what I want to say to you
If I had one chance to tell you something
You are loved
More than you can imagine
This is what I want to say to you
If I had one chance to speak to your heart
You are loved
More than you could ever know
This is what I want to say to you
If I had one chance to tell you something
You are loved
More than you can imagine
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Reprehensible point of view

It was after this another female politician from the party AP (like Labour) decided to tell her story of having and losing a little girl with a disease on the brain. The little girl died a few days before Christmas last year, only 15 months old, while her mother was carrying her little brother in the womb. "She was so beutiful," the mother said in the article. There was a photo there too, showing a, yes, indeed beautiful!, little girl. The little girl brought her parents closer, and they got engaged a couple of months before their daughter died and will soon marry. They loved her.
After having Hedda, as was her name, they moved to an appartment without door sills so that Hedda could easily navigate her sitting chair when she got older.
I too know some handicapped children. A girl I know is 11 years old at the moment, and has a muscle disease. She can only move her head and hands a little. She's very smart and has a beutiful handwriting. And she's a lot more thankful to life than other 11 year-olds. She once told me that a friend of her often was in a bad mood. "I can't get why she's like that all the time; it's fantastic to live!" How can anybody say that somebody who actually appreciates life doesn't have the right to life?
And what about those cute children with Down's Syndrom? Trustful, happy and easy to please. Teaches the people around them how to care, be a real friend and show consideration. "She's leading with a chromosome," a boy in my area wrote in an essay about his little sister.
What is this kind of society we have? We're the richest people in the world, but our society is so cold and cynical I almost vomit! Our lives are obviously measured in productivity and BNP, not human value. "It hurts to be considered as an item of expenditure," the politician-mother said. I hope her setback will make the thirty-per-cents' conscience hurt so badly they never give a vote like that again.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Unnoticed similarity
When I came home, my dad ("Portrait-like!") and younger brother asked me the same question. Mum and another sister were thinking the same. Every time I wear it, new questions come or a comment about the similarity. Not one disagrees.
... and I didn't even notice when buying it! :-D
Monday, July 30, 2007
How's life?
Life's good! I'm of age!
For my 18th birthday I got this dainty digitale camera from my parents, littlebrother and -sister, grandma, uncle & aunt & cousins. I got it today and it seems to meet the expectations.
I'll get of-age-pay for this month's three weeks of work...
I've got my first real Visa card (means not Visa Smartcard, not Electron)...
I'm having a driving lesson tomorrow...
A good friend of mine got married this Saturday. She was beautiful! And he was looking really good too! But when I was putting a piece of cake on my plate, I managed to tip it over, giving me seven more years before I "can" get married, which suits me perfectly as it's giving me plenty of time to think and evaluate possible suitors that should show up in my way... ;P
I've come to page 362 in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. (Much to do, less time to read...)
... and I smile! :)

For my 18th birthday I got this dainty digitale camera from my parents, littlebrother and -sister, grandma, uncle & aunt & cousins. I got it today and it seems to meet the expectations.
I'll get of-age-pay for this month's three weeks of work...
I've got my first real Visa card (means not Visa Smartcard, not Electron)...
I'm having a driving lesson tomorrow...
A good friend of mine got married this Saturday. She was beautiful! And he was looking really good too! But when I was putting a piece of cake on my plate, I managed to tip it over, giving me seven more years before I "can" get married, which suits me perfectly as it's giving me plenty of time to think and evaluate possible suitors that should show up in my way... ;P
I've come to page 362 in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. (Much to do, less time to read...)
... and I smile! :)
Friday, July 20, 2007
I've got Harry Potter!

While thousands of Harry Potter books are locked in in bookstore basements in Oslo, and millions of people are waiting desperately to get one, I got my Harry Potter book today... one day before everybody else..! I'll say it again: People; I've got Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows! I've got the last book which people are going crazy tonight to get! I haven't started reading much yet, only a page... I can tell there is a conversation going on between Severus Snape and someone else... If I want to, I can find out who's dying... If it's Harry Potter or Lord Voldemort. Or both. Or maybe they just become friends! ;-D
"Sorry I killed your parents, Harry!"
"Oh, nothing to worry about, Voldy, I didn't really know them anyway!"
But the funny thing is; when Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince came out two years ago, I got the book one day before everybody else that time too!! "Not to be delivered before the 21st of July" it said this time, and the-date-I-don't-remember-any-longer the last time...
I nearly didn't believe it when I found it in my mailbox today... But it's a fact; I've got Harry Potter!
... and tonight I'm going to read a chapter... or three...! ;)
Sunday, July 15, 2007
I came to think of God who's made so many different birds... So many different fish... So many different tree species... So many different spiders... And in the end; so very, very, VERY many different human beings!!!
I can't understand he managed to do it unless I at the same time remind myself he's GOD!
Friday, July 13, 2007
Friday, June 22, 2007
I've got my first car...!

It's not much to talk about, but as a humourous gift a friend gave me a blue Ford Majorette for my 18th birthday! (My birtday is not before next month though..) It looks almost the same as this Ford Majorette I found at Google, but my model is not as modern as this. But it has a roof hatch, red interior, and is quite cute! :) It's 6 cm long and I think the weight is about 20 grams... I don't think I'm able to drive it properly - yet. Before the school semester starts again, I hope to have the driver's license. Until then, I have my Ford Majorette...
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Born to be wild!

It hit me as a flash of lightening! ...or whatever! (I really don't like set phrases!!!)
I tasted the phrase, "born to be wild", and saw it was good!
Yeah, I know! I didn't create that phrase. It's actually very common.
But anyway - it made me think of God - again! And who I am in God.
Cool, I thought!
Here everybody's thinking that this wild-thing is kind of rude and stuff, strongly related to elements you find in Moulin Rouge. And then God pops up and makes a completely new intention with it!
As a Christian, I've made Jesus as my boss, and as an answer to that, he's given me something - something very valuable - actually a part of himself! His given me his Holy Spirit.
Okay... how does it work? Most of all, I know Jesus very well, simply because he, by the Holy Spirit, lives in me. This is no mystery. If you look in the Bible, this is exactly what it tells us. Maybe you're shaking your head, maybe laughing a bit, thinking; "She's crazy! That Jesus-stuff is deadly boring!" Well, I don't think so! You see, if God has created the basis for everything you hear and feel and see, it's pretty cool to know him! :D
Well, back to the point.
Filled with his nature, his Holy Spirit, there's no longer space to things that are reducing you. When there's no limitations, you'll go a bit wild... agree that! There's no damnation. Sin doesn't have the power over you anymore. If God's for me, who can then be against me? Jesus says "Follow me!" and you follow, though it might seem crazy.
"Hey you, is it really wild to follow somebody? Your point is fading, girl!"
Teamwork, dear friend. Teamwork. Nobody seems as wild as those playing american football, in my opinion. But they're having a coach. They're having a captain. They're teamworking. Same with me. God's my coach, shouting encouraging words from the touchline. Jesus is my captain, the head of the team. And I'm playing on team with the Holy Spirit, sending me passes which I can pass forward or kick into the goal. We're winning! :D (NOT Christians over non-Christians, but good powers over evil and dark powers. Look up the Ephesians 6.)
When you're not wild, you're tame, agree? Doing the same things, walking the same paths... I think Jesus wants us, Christians and non-Christians, to get out of those paths, the patterns we follow that makes other people able to forecast how we'll react in every time. Not in a bad way, but a good way. Not trying to make rebellion, saying "I'm not reacting the way you want me to!" Don't misunderstand! But don't let pattern as I'm-not-good-enough-to-do-this, or Why-should-I-smile,-she-never-smiles-to-me, or I-can-NOT-pray-for-her-'cause-she'll-think-I'm-crazy-and-tell-all-my-friends, or This-is-just-going-to-be-worse catch you!
Look at any wild anymal. It's born wild. It's happy wild. A bird is not supposed to live in a cage.
You're born to be free, happy, lucky, saved, safe and loved.
You're born to be God's child.
You're born to be wild.
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Millions of gods?!

The different gods have different tasks, or you might say different areas of "responsibility". If you need good luck, you pray and offer to a god of luck, if you need a friend, another god might make you one. If you're at the age of marriage, why not pray to a god of love? But there are no god that cares for all your needs.
The last day in India before we went to Bhutan, we went to a hindu temple in Delhi. I got something to cover my naked shoulders (I wore a dress), we all took of our shoes, and left the cameraes in the security boxes. Then we were ready to enter the temple.
There were altars and gods everywhere, and the guide pointed at one of them and said: "If you need money, you pray to that god." He went to the altar, prayed, and got a red mark at his forehead. "It means good luck," he said.
There is a god called "Shiva" in the Hinduism. "Shiva" means "the destroyer". Destruction is then a part of the divinity according to the Hinduism.
What a big difference from my great God!
An interesting scripture in the Bible tells us "We're all gods," because we're made in God's image. In that way there are not only millions, but billions of gods who have lived or are living in the world. But none of these "gods" can compare to my God - He who's called "The Almighty" and who has created us.
I belong to ONE God who is great enough to meet ALL my needs. I don't need to pray and offer to twenty different gods to get through the day. He only wants one offer from me, and that's my heart; my "yes" to Him as my boss and saviour. He cares for all parts of my life. There is one more thing: he has given us gifts so that WE can meet each other's needs too! What a mastermind! :D
AND there is no god such as Shiva in Christianity. "The destroyer" is the devil himself, the Bible tells us.
Wow! What blessing to belong to a lifegiving, caring and great God! :D
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Oh yeah!
New photos from Jaipur and Taj Mahal (India) at Hilsen fra India og Bhutan...
But the internet is very stupid sometimes...!
For that reason I'll wait some time before posting more photos... :P
But the internet is very stupid sometimes...!
For that reason I'll wait some time before posting more photos... :P
Thursday, April 19, 2007

There is a newly started debate about abortion going on through comments at my blog "Saves lives?!", this also in Norwegian. Maybe you want to join?
Since 20th of February last year, I've had 3 099 visitors on my blog. Thank you! Hope you find my blog and its contents interesting, though I'm very bad when it comes to updating sometimes...
Monday, March 12, 2007
Bhutan/India travel blog made
I've made a new blog! (again...)
It's a travel blog which I'll post to when I'm in India and Bhutan. (when I'm able to...)
It'll be written in Norwegian.
I leave in 16 days!!! :D
Visit Hilsen fra India og Bhutan...
It's a travel blog which I'll post to when I'm in India and Bhutan. (when I'm able to...)
It'll be written in Norwegian.
I leave in 16 days!!! :D
Visit Hilsen fra India og Bhutan...
Monday, March 05, 2007
Make your own zoo

Look and laugh :)
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
No poem, but...
If life feels a bit complicated
it's nice to know that God has made the most important things easy.
If you don't know how to sort things out,
it's nice to know that God still haves control.
If you don't know what to do,
it's nice to know you can ask God about it.
If things don't go as planned,
you can still rely on God's plans.
it's nice to know that God has made the most important things easy.
If you don't know how to sort things out,
it's nice to know that God still haves control.
If you don't know what to do,
it's nice to know you can ask God about it.
If things don't go as planned,
you can still rely on God's plans.
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Homepage about Bhutan

Lucky me!! :-D
Click here to visit Bhutan - Tordendrakens rike (Norwegian)
Monday, January 15, 2007
Saves lives?!?

The article turns on the Abortion Cytotec Drug, but the medicament is (still) not accepted by the producer for this purpose. There's often less compliactions after a medical abortion than after a surgical one. Their point is that out of 20 million women who live under unsatisfying conditions and choose abortion, 60 000 of them die (= 0,3 %). This number might decrease by using Cytotec.
Out of 20 million children that are taken away by abortion, 20 million of them die. (100 %) The number doesn't decrease by using Cytotec. (It doesn't decrease by surgical abortion either.)
And this is an abortion drug that saves lives?!?
Mother Theresa once said there will never be peace in the world before we stop killing children in mum's womb.
There's a life in mum's womb from the very first moment!
After few weeks, the heart starts beating. There's a life there; a person with value! God says in His word that He knows us before we're created in mum's womb...
Our world is unbelievably cynical.
(Want to see the face of abortion? Searchword: "abortion" at google. Warning: Strong pictures!)
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Happy New Year!

Normal... Hm... That's a boring word.
I hope this year might be unique, special, so I might, when 2008 comes, look back at this year, nodd and say I'm satisfied. I hope I'll say this have been a year where God has formed me the way He wanted. That I did the things He wanted me to do at the time He wanted me to do it. I hope I'll know Him more at the end of this year than at this very moment I'm writing this. I guess and believe I will.. It's not hard to get to know people better, you know... You just have to spend some time with them. Invest some time. Prioritate some time. Same thing with God. He has made it that easy. Time.
A word we can't get enough of. Though we really haven't discovered what it is. We only know what it does. We know we spend it whatever we're doing.
I want to spend my time without worrying about that I'm spending it...
If you know what I mean...
Wish you all a happy new year! I hope the year will be special, not just like all the others. I hope you'll continue walking. Be in progress. Be blessed. And so on...
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