You are both worth millions!
Some nights ago, when I couldn't fall to sleep, this clue stroke me "as a flash of lightening from the blue sky". (which really wasn't blue the particular night, but black, cold and cloudy. And btw: I don't like exaggerated use of set phrases like this, but I just couldn't come to think of anything better to say...)
Picasso was a completely ordinar man from Spain. I don't know when he started to be famous (or when his paintings started to be famous), but I'm sure that Picasso met many arrogant people on his way laughting at his painings.
And why did they laugh?
The truth is that I understand them very well!
Look at Picasso's paintings! They're quite funny! Strange! Some of them (some would say: many of them) are even ugly!
"Even I can paint that!"
"What IS this supposed to be?"
Picasso himself once said: "I paint things as I think them, not as I see them."
This made him famous. Very famous.
His paintings are worth millions!
Billions, I don't know.
And then it's you...
Your're an original too. Designed. Unique. Valuable.
People may laugh of you.
They may think you're ugly. Strange. Funny.
"What will she turn out to be?"
"Even I can do that better than him!"
Once one painted you based on what was on his mind.
He planned.
Painted piano fingers, green fingers, carpenter hands.
Football legs, volleyball knees, ballett toes.
People may laugh.
But you're still valuable.
The Painter once lost his paintings.
The paintings he'd spent so much time on thinking, planning, painting.
They were in someone other's hands.
Their own carpenter hands.
Owned by the Destroyer.
The Painter wanted his paintings back.
Wanted to tell them where he'd planned to place them in the living room.
The Destroyer decided a price.
Thought the Painter would fail anyway.
The Painter's own Son.
The Painter didn't fail.
His Son. The price. Dead. Won. Victory. Life.
The Painter's originals.
Back in the living room.
But some are still
Some would say many.
People may laugh.
But you're still valuable.
You're a God-originale.
is more valuable.